5S+1 Implementation

An internationally operating warehousing company with various locations in Europe and the rest of the world.


Applying a basic structure with a lower limit with respect to order and cleanliness and visual management in the various public warehouses and offices. This is done according to the 5S+1 Lean philosophy.


The first step was ensuring a good baseline in which old lines and labels on racking were removed. After that, new banners, rack locations and staging location signs were applied company-wide. In personal discussions with the various operations managers and business unit directors, the steps were discussed and implemented.

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A good foundation has been laid on visual management with, among other things, a Campus wide visual management document and a first set-up to use visual management signs. Employees and line managers have been trained 5S+1 and training materials have been made available for temporary workers to ensure the 5S+1 culture at all levels. A good, frequent consultation structure with operations managers and the Quality and the Health and safety department has been ensured. Gemba walks were started, in which management members were invited to join the rounds to reduce the gap between the shop floor and the office. In addition, a start has been made to standardize the workspaces. A clean desk policy has been set up for a number of office departments, where input from employees was an important success factor. 

“Operational excellence in international warehousing omgevingen op zijn best!”