Two years ago, Harm started at Nobleo Manufacturing as a Supply Chain Lead. His expertise lies in advising and supporting companies in setting up a customized supply chain, executing NPI projects, and scaling up to volume production. Through his knowledge and experience, he contributes to relieving the customer from A to Z.
From Hospitality Management to Supply Chain Lead
Harm has followed an interesting career path before joining Nobleo Manufacturing. Surprisingly, he began his studies at the Higher Hospitality Management School. “From the second year onwards, I dropped all hospitality courses and graduated in business administration. I completed my graduation project at ASML.”

After his studies, Harm gained experience at various companies. “At my previous employer, I played a crucial role in streamlining Supply Chain processes and ensuring efficient logistics in the dynamic environment of a startup. Technological development was central, but time-to-market was just as important. Stakeholder management, change management, setting up logistics and assembly structures, and planning were therefore essential in this role.”
Harm was introduced to the Nobleo Manufacturing team through our colleague Stijn, and a strong collaboration was established immediately.
The Power of Design House+
At Nobleo, Harm mainly works on Design House+ projects, where he is part of an internal project group responsible for ensuring quality and setting up a customized supply chain. Design House+ is a collaboration between Nobleo Technology and Nobleo Manufacturing. It offers a comprehensive solution for successfully turning a design into a product, with specific attention to transparency, customer involvement, supplier engagement, and project management.
“What makes Design House+ unique is the integrated collaboration within the Nobleo group. The ‘plus’ in Design House+ is where the added value of Nobleo Manufacturing comes in. We focus on the timely industrialization of the production process. We look not only at the product but also at the process. This approach yields significant benefits for the customer, which translates into a more mature product, resulting in a faster development cycle. You learn faster from your own design, ultimately saving time.”
Importance of Early Supply Chain Involvement
Harm emphasizes the importance of early Supply Chain involvement in Design House+ projects. “By engaging in discussions with suppliers early on and setting clear expectations, you create more awareness. You encourage partners to actively think about the manufacturability, standardization, and long-term applicability of a product. The better a product aligns with the processes of the suppliers, the less chance there is of errors. This contributes to ensuring and improving long-term quality.”
A striking example of this principle is a project where a complete module was developed for a client in just 26 weeks. “Thanks to the early involvement of partners, including international manufacturing companies, the project was successfully completed, and the module was seamlessly integrated into the client’s system. I am particularly proud of that. My role was primarily focused on the efficient and effective industrialization of the modules, with a strong emphasis on optimizing the supply chain.”
For the future, Harm hopes that the Design House+ program line of Nobleo will be further developed. “I aim to focus more on improving and refining the technical aspects and processes within projects.” Harm also hopes to further develop his project management skills.
With his expertise, enthusiasm, and drive, Harm is a valuable asset to the Nobleo Manufacturing team. “What really appeals to me at Nobleo is the way of working and collaborating. In my view, Nobleo is a hands-on consultancy firm that truly listens to the customer and engages in collaboration with them.”
Achieving New Level Manufacturing Together